Oil Life Extension

022820 Fluitec Brouhure Boost AO V4

022820 Fluitec Brouhure Boost AO V4

Oil Life Extension


Boost AOTM is a critical step in our mission to reduce unnecessary oil waste and production by transforming your lubes into Fill4Life fluids. We’ve created a proprietary technology that can replace depleted antioxidants in oil – replenishing bad chemistry with good chemistry.

For every 1 gallon of Boost AO, 50 gallons are saved from the earth. Think about it: It took millions of years for the earth to make your oil – then a tremendous amount of time, energy and money to extract, ship, refine and formulate it. Shouldn’t you do everything possible to extend the life of the oil you use, for as long as possible? Our customers enjoy the environmental benefits of not having to dispose of waste oil and lower CO2 emissions by reduced demand of oil. Even more, they are saving money on both ends. Boost AO customers do not have to pay for waste handling fees, nor do they have to spend money on new oil. Boost AO and Fluitec’s Fill4Life mission makes it a win-win proposition for both you and the planet

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